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WP1 –
Coordination and Innovation Management

The WP will ensure professional strategic and operational coordination and management.

The WP will also ensure public dissemination of PROOF’s research activities to the scientific community, the main stakeholders, clinicians, patient organisations and the general public. Furthermore, this WP will make sure that the expected short-term and long-term impacts of the results from the work packages will be achieved via a professional, consortium-wide approach to the exploitation of intellectual property (thanks to shared rules accepted by all partners from the outset of the PROOF project). The project partner patient organization SAFE will greatly aid our promotion of the project’s content. The already strong involvement of PROOF investigators with research organisations such as the European Stroke Organisation and other EU initiatives will also provide fertile ground for fostering links with regulators, patient organisations and experts in stroke.

Task 1.1

Strategic management

Task 1.2

Project monitoring and risk management

Task 1.3

Administrative and financial support

Task 1.4

Public relations activities

Task 1.5

Development of the dissemination and exploitation strategy for PROOF

Task 1.6

Organisation of symposia and presentation at meetings

Task 1.7

Ethics management